Embrace the Power of Kelp to Tackle Methane! 

Let’s agree that we all pass wind from time to time.  Statistically around 20 times per day on an average day! Those cheeky releases aren’t so harmless, contributing to the release of methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas. 

Fear not, nature has an answer – kelp! 

Methane, more toxic than carbon dioxide, plays a significant role in climate change. Livestock, including cows, and humans, are guilty of letting methane escape into the atmosphere through flatulence. The sustainable solution is kelp!

This marine proteus possesses the amazing ability to absorb and neutralise methane. By incorporating kelp into our diets, we can help dissipate the problem in an environmentally friendly fashion

Our wholefood Bull Kelp Crunch was a revelation and is delicious.  It derives from freeze dried Durvillaea Potatorum, a unique species of Bull Kelp that thrives in the mixing zone of nutrients welling up from the depths of the The Great Southern Ocean. Tested 100% free of inorganic arsenic and radiation, it is particularly rich in iodine which promotes optimal thyroid function (read more about kelp for thyroid health in our recent blog Kelp and Beef Liver: Powerful Allies for Thyroid Health and wellbeing). Also beneficial for energy support, this product is 100% organic sourced and sustainably harvested.

Bull Kelp Crunch is unique in the market and comes in two sizes, 50g and 100g.  It is a crunchy flake-like consistency that can be sprinkled on pretty much everything!  The daily recommended serving is a teeny 1 teaspoon that can be added to salads, soups, eggs, even yoghurt! 

Start adding kelp to your essential daily foodstuffs! It’s easy to make a difference, not only to your gut in optimising digestion, yet also reducing methane production. Together, let’s fart less AND turn the tides on methane emissions!


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