The story of my perfectly ‘normal’ healthy life

The hanging picture is 2017 At 80 I have had a generally happy life, but that’s too much to cover in a short story, so let’s concentrate on the last 10 years of health with a few flip backs to the past, and how LCHF and liver supplementation has changed my life.

10 years ago our son Olaf, who has studied health and nutrition for years, returned from overseas, where he, among other influential people, had met Dr. David Perlmutter and read his book ‘The Brain Maker.’

My Son met Dr. Perlmutter

10 years ago our son Olaf, who has studied health and nutrition for years, returned from overseas, where he, among other influential people, had met doctor David Perlmutter and read his book ‘The Brain Maker.’

Adopting a LCHF Diet

My wife and I thought that we always had lived healthily and made most main meals from the ground up. We’d always been aware of the importance of exercise. Olaf convinced us to adopt a LCHF diet, we didn’t go ‘cold turkey’, but bit by bit we cut out SUGAR, GRAIN PRODUCTS, and POTATOES. We added more coconut oil, animal fat, olive oil, dairy cream, butter and full fat cheese, as well as Beef Liver.

Reflecting on the Last Decade

Looking back over the last 10 years, what has really happened? Had there been any change health wise?

Not really at first glance, BUT THEN I had suffered from 50 years of continuous migraines. For 40 of those years I had to take 1 day a week off the calendar and the day after was no good either, but that became my ‘NORMAL.’

Now 10 years down the track, I have not had one single headache for a decade. My sinus congestion, whereby I could not breath through my nose at night, all cleared up, no problems. My hearing that was dramatic reduced during pneumonia 13 years ago was somewhat restored.

I have never had a flu vaccination, but used to have a regular attack when the season changed, NOW I have not had any flu or any disease in the last 10 years.

Even I am in the ‘high risk group’ by age, NOT QUITE “NORMAL”

Things like niggling joints, jammed up jaw, the inability to put weight on my heels, back pain, hay fever, two hip replacements and two hernia operations, were all put down to: “You are growing,- its part of life – OLD AGE.”

But after overcoming all those perfectly “NORMAL” health conditions at 80, I feel I am as fit as ever, both mentally and physically.

Creating a unique Food Supplement

The family together with a good friend started to manufacture our unique food supplements based on beef liver and Kelp in 2017, which had been my passion to do for many years.

I honestly believe that regular supplementing with our Liver/Kelp product, featuring B12 and Iodine, made under the banner of Grassland Nutrition, and trialled for a few years before launching is another key factor to my good health.

Grass Fed Liver with Kelp

🌿Energy Formula Beef Liver and Kelp: Power-Packed 2-in-1 Formulation Our Unique Energy Formula is a unique blend of organically sourced […]

I am now looking forward to the next 25 years at least!


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